
Our main languages are English, Russian and Latvian. It means that we suppose to publish the books using one of these languages either as a source language or as a target language.

We deal mostly with present day poetry and nonmainstream (i.e. evading traditional narrativity) prose. Our editions are printed in limited amount of copies for circulating mainly in Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine and other Post-soviet states.

Our series of original Russian books follows the pattern of the book supplement to Vozdukh poetry magazine (started in 2005) in representing actual Russian writing as a multidimensional variety of poetical languages intertwined and feeding each other.

Our books of translations inevitably come to the reader as more or less isolated and decontextualized fragments of the inherently consistent system of a source literature; therefore we are focused mostly at powerful authorial personalities carrying on a distinct message of his/her national culture comprehensible even in translation.

Лист перед травой (The Leaf in Front of Grass)

Сергiй Муштатов (Serhiy Mushtatov)


Selected poems. 1989–2023. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders; New York : World Poetry Books, 2024. — 180 p. — (Poetry of Ukraine; issue 2).

Cover: Не Два (А + Т ! (painting), Oleg Pashchenko (design).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-6-9

About the author

Serhiy Mushtatov was born in 1969 in Lviv, Ukraine, and lives and works there ever since. He has published his poems, written in Russian heavily influenced with Ukrainian, in the newspapers “Gumanitarny Fond” (Moscow) and “Listok” (Kyiv), magazines “Ї”, “Kontekst”, “Paradigma”, “Vozdukh”, websites “Chitomo”, “Gryoza”, “Artikuliatsiya” and other editions. Since 2014 he is a poetry editor of the Ukrainian online publication Soloneba. As an artist, under the pseudonym Tee Kho!, he authored numerous works of graphics, photography, video art and digital art, partially within the Polish-Ukrainian creative duo _NeDva (A + T! (with Tomasz Pierzchała).

У раны есть имя (The Wound Has a Name)

Юрий Тарнавский (Yuriy Tarnawsky)


Selected poems. 1955–2022 / Translated from Ukrainian into Russian by Dmitry Kuzmin. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders; New York : World Poetry Books, 2024. — 328 p. — (Poetry of Ukraine; issue 1).

Cover: Ilja Jakovlev (painting), Oleg Pashchenko (design), Yury Gordon (font).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-4-5

About the author

Yuriy Tarnawsky was born in 1934 in the city of Turka in what was then Poland (now Lviv Oblast of Ukraine). Since 1944 he lived in Germany where graduated as an external student from the Ukrainian gymnasium in Munich. In 1952 Tarnawsky moved to the USA. He graduated from the Newark College of Engineering (now the New Jersey Institute of Technology, in 2019 Tarnawsky was inducted into its Hall of Fame). He got his PhD in theoretical linguistics and in 1956–1992 worked for IBM Corporation, for a certain time as a head of the department of applied linguistics. In 1992–1996 taught Ukrainian Literature at Columbia University. In 1958 Tarnawsky founded the New York Group of Ukrainian poets, in 1959–1971 co-edited “Novi Poezii”, the poetry magazine of Ukrainian emigration. He has published 10 books of poetry and 10 books of prose in Ukrainian and English, and also some plays and articles, translated both into Ukrainian (Samuel Beckett, Federico Garcia Lorca) and into English. The current edition is celebrating the author's ninetieth anniversary. It includes poetry and prose poems from 1955–2022, as well as the long poem “The Feathered Heart.”

Речь зеркал (Mirrors' Speech)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2023. – 204 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Drawings by Petr Kirusha. Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Evgeny Nikitin & MidJourney (art).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-2-1

In memoriam Oleg Jurjew

About the author

36 Russian poets took part in this collection. Each of them has translated some others' works into his or her own aesthetic language, thereby exploring the possibilities of mutual understanding and dialogue between adherents of different creative strategies. The book was prepared for publication in early 2022.

Избавительница от смерти и изготовители сэндвичей / No nāves glābējiņa un sendviču meistari

Efrat Mishori (‏אפרת מישורי‏‎)


Translated into Latvian by Einārs Pelšs; translated into Russian by Gali-Dana Zinger. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2022. — 80 с. — (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-9-9

About the author

Efrat Mishori was born in 1964 in Israel and completed her PhD in literature at Tel Aviv University in 2006. Mishori's first published work was The Book of Dreams for children (1988). Mishori wrote and illustrated the book. Her first collection of poetry, Poems 1990–1994, was self-published in 1994 and won the Ron Adler Foundation award for first-time authors. Since then, Mishori has published six poetry collections and won several literary prizes including Prime Minister's Award in 2001. Since 1996 she performed in the one-woman show "I Am Poetry's Model", based on her poems. In 2018, together with filmmaker Dana Goldberg, she released the feature film Death of a Poetess. In the same year she won the award of Poetry without borders festival in Riga.

О тебе сквозь стекло (About you through the glass)

Валерий Леденёв (Valery Ledenev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2021. – 92 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Yanina Boldyreva (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-8-2

About the author

Valery Ledenev was born in 1985 and lives in Moscow. He has previously published two poetry collections in 2008 and 2019 as well as some translations of American poetry and many articles about contemporary art.

Неполное собрание строчек (Incomplete collection of lines)

Артём Верле (Artiom Verle)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2021. – 88 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-7-5

About the author

Artiom Verle was born in 1979 and lives in Pskov. He authored two poetry collections in 2015 and 2020, one more book was published in 2019 in Ukrainian translation. His first book was awarded with “Moscow Count” Prize for inaugural collection (2015).

Страна (État)

Анна Мария Альбиак (Anne-Marie Albiach)


Translated from French into Russian by Kirill Korchagin. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 116 pp. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design). A sheet of draft typewriting by Anne-Marie Albiach with her corrections is used.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-5-1

About the author

Anne-Marie Albiach was born in 1937 in Saint-Nazaire. She has published 12 books, as well as translations from Luis Zukofsky. In the 60-ies she co-edited the literary magazine Siècle à mains. She died in 2012. The book-length poem “État” was published in 1971.

Останься, брат (Stay, Brother)

Андрей Гришаев (Andrey Grishayev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 140 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-6-8

About the author

Andrey Grishayev was born in 1978 in St. Petersburg and now lives in Moscow. He is the author of two poetry collections published in 2006 and 2014, a laureate of the Parabola Prize (2013) and awards of “Novy Mir” and “Znamya” magazines.

Устройство утренних московских улиц (Arrangement of morning Moscow streets)

Владимир Аристов (Vladimir Aristov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 112 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-4-4

About the author

Vladimir Aristov was born in 1950 and lives in Moscow. He is the author of twelve poetry collections, two novels, articles and essays about poetry. Aristov was awarded with Andrey Bely Prize (2008) and “Difference” (Razlichiye) Prize (2016).

Программные радиограммы (Program radiograms)

Александр Беляков (Aleksandr Beliakov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 120 lpp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-3-7

About the author

Aleksandr Beliakov was born in 1962 and lives in Yaroslavl. He has published nine poetry collections and a book of short prose. In 2012 Beliakov was awarded with the Joseph Brodsky Memorial Fellowship.

Лучшие компьютерные игры (Best computer games)

Янина Вишневская (Yanina Vishnevskaya)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 72 lpp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-2-0

About the author

Yanina Vishnevskaya was born in 1970 in Kyiv, now lives in Moscow. She has published two poetry collections, both in 2008, and several short stories.

Стихи, написанные на пляже (Poems Written on the Beach)

Вадим Калинин (Vadim Kalinin)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 48 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Anzhela Sizova (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-1-3

About the author

Vadim Kalinin was born in 1973 in the Moscow region and now lives in Thailand. He was among the co-founders of the Young Writers' Union “Babylon” in 1989. His first poetry collection appeared in 2004, short stories were collected twice in 2002 and 2010.

Чистая речь (Pure Speech)

Владимир Ермолаев (Vladimir Ermolayev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 80 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Aleksandr Ermolaev (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-0-6

About the author

Vladimir Ermolaev was born in 1950 in Ivanovo, he Lives in Riga. He has published 4 poetry collections since 2013 and also appeared as a prose writer and poetry translator in the magazines and online editions. Ermolaev's poetry was short-listed for the Andrey Bely Prize (2011).

Экспедиция (Expedition)

Елена Михайлик (Elena Mikhailik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 112 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design and picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-8-0

About the author

Elena Mikhailik was born in 1970 in Odessa, Ukraine and lives now in Sydney, Australia. She was declared laureate at the First Australian Festival of Traditional and Experimental Literature Antipodes (2006). Mikhailik is the author of the poetry collection “Neither by Dream, nor by Cloud” (Ни сном, ни облаком; 2008) and the monograph “Illegal Comet. Varlam Shalamov: the experience of slow reading” (2018).

Всенощная зверь (All-night beast)

Линор Горалик (Linor Goralik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 48 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Linor Goralik (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-8-0

About the author

Linor Goralik was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk and currently shares her life between Moscow and Tel-Aviv. She has published about 20 books including poems, novels, tales, flash fiction, comic strips, interview collections etc. Goralik was awarded with "Triumph" prize (in a special nomination for young authors), "Portal" and "Fiddler on the Roof" awards.

Машенька (Mashenka)

Василий Бородин (Vassily Borodin)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 52 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Polina Andrukovich (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-7-3

About the author

Vassily Borodin was born in 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow Night Metallurgical Institute, worked as editor, proofreader, illustrator. Borodin's poetry is published since 2005 in magazines like “Vozdukh”, “Novyi Mir”, “Volga”, at the literary websites “Polutona”, “Novaya Kamera Khraneniya”, “TextOnly” etc. He authored 5 poetry collections and was awarded with Andrei Belyi Prize in 2015.

Мне не очень (I'm Not Okay)

Олег Пащенко (Oleg Pashchenko)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8708-6-6

About the author

Oleg Pashchenko was born in 1971 in Moscow and graduated from Moscow State University's faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. He worked as a designer, headed Art. Lebedev Studio as its art-director from 2002 to 2010 and got some professional awards including the Bronze Lion from International Advertising Festival (2001). Now he teaches in HSE Art And Design School in Moscow. Among Pashchenko's works in book design there is “Poetry without borders” book series. His own poetry was previously collected in two books (2002, 2009).

Ветер по частям (Wind by Parts)

Андрей Черкасов (Andrey Cherkasov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 76 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Andrey Cherkasov (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-2-8

About the author

Andrey Cherkasov was born in 1987 in Cheliabinsk and lives in Moscow since 2007, he is graduated from the Literature Institute. He has published two poetry collections (2012, 2014, the latter was shortlisted for Andrei Bely Prize) and two books of conceptual writing (2015, 2018), authored a number of art projects mingling the visual and the verbal. One of these projects, pioneering Russian blackout poetry, resulted with the current book.

Бледные господа с чашечкой кофе в руках (The Pale Gentlemen with their Espresso Cups)

Герта Мюллер (Herta Müller)


Translated from German into Russian by Boris Schapiro. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 216 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In German and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (serial design), Gleb Simonov (book design), Samuel Kravitt (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-5-9

About the author

Herta Müller was born in 1953 in Romania and graduated from the university in Timișoara. In 1987 she emigrated to Germany, lectured for a while in the universities of Kassel, Tübingen and Berlin. Since 1982 she has published 20 books of prose, 2 essay collections and 6 books of poetry (5 in German and 1 in Romanian). She is awarded with more than 35 prizes and awards including the Nobel prize in literature (2009).

Boris Schapiro was born in 1944, graduated from physics department of Moscow university. In 1975 he emigrated to Germany, worked in scientifical institutions of Regensburg and Reutlingen, since 1995 he lives in Berlin. He has published 5 poetry collections in Russian and two in German as well as translations from Friedrich Hölderlin, Paul Celan e. a.

Как даме жить в пучке волос (A Lady Lives in the Hair Knot)

Герта Мюллер (Herta Müller)


Translated from German into Russian by Aljoscha Prokopjew. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 200 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In German and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (serial design), Gleb Simonov (book design), Richard E. Ahlborn (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-4-2

About the author

Herta Müller was born in 1953 in Romania and graduated from the university in Timișoara. In 1987 she emigrated to Germany, lectured for a while in the universities of Kassel, Tübingen and Berlin. Since 1982 she has published 20 books of prose, 2 essay collections and 6 books of poetry (5 in German and 1 in Romanian). She is awarded with more than 35 prizes and awards including the Nobel prize in literature (2009).

Aljoscha Prokopjew (Алёша Прокопьев) was born in 1957 in Cheboksary on the Volga River and graduated from the art history department of the Moscow University. He worked as a janitor for a long time, then taught poetry translation in the Literature Institute in Moscow. Prokopjew has published 3 collections of poetry and numerous translations including the whole books of R. M. Rilke, Georg Trakl, Andreas Gryphius and Paul Celan. In 2010 he was awarded with Andrei Bely Prize for poetry translation.

Kosmiskais prospekts (Cosmos Avenue)

Gaļina Rimbu (Galina Rymbu)


Translated from Russian into Latvian by Einārs Pelšs, Arvis Viguls, Dainis Deigelis. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 96 p. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian and Latvian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Andrei Cherkasov (artwork).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-3-5

About the author

Galina Rymbu was born in 1990 in the city of Omsk (Siberia, Russia), graduated from the Literature Institute in Moscow and currently lives in St. Petersburg. In 2010 she won the main prize of the “Young author” (Молодой литератор) festival in Nizhni Novgorod. Her first collection “Moving Space of the Revolution” (Передвижное пространство переворота) was published in 2014, collected prose poems “Time of earth” (Время земли) appeared in 2018 in Ukraine; also the chapbook “White Bread” is published in New York City in English translation. Rymbu participated in many poetry festivals, curated the Russian Young Poetry Week in 2013 and Arkadii Dragomoshchenko young poets award since 2014. In 2017 international poets participated in the first trilingual festival “Poetry without borders” in Riga voted for her as the festival's laureate.

Четыре года времени (Four Years of Time)

Мария Галина (Maria Galina)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Maria Galina (photo), Feldman Sisters (street art).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-1-1

About the author

Maria Galina was born in 1958 in Tver (then Kalinin), lived in Kyiv and Odessa and in 1995 settled in Moscow. First published her poems in 1990. She authored 6 books of poetry, 15 volumes of prose, several non-fiction books, many critical articles; she also translates contemporary poetry and sci-fi prose from English and Ukrainian. Galina was awarded with Anthologia and “Moskovsky schet” prizes (both in 2006) for poetry and many awards for sci-fi works.

Человек без книги (A Man Without a Book)

Дэвид Шапиро (David Shapiro)


Translated from English into Russian by Gali-Dana Zinger. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 64 pp. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Gali-Dana Zinger (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-9-1

About the author

David Shapiro was born in Newark, NJ in 1947 and lives in New York City. He has published 11 poetry collections, the monographs about John Ashbery, Jasper Johns, Piet Mondriaan, and also some translations of poetry from Spanish. Shapiro received a Gotham Book Mart Avant-Garde Poetry Award (1962), Morton Dauwen Zabel Award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters etc.

Gali-Dana Zinger (Singer) is a poet and translator born in 1962 in St. Petersburg and based since 1988 in Israel. Her poetry in Hebrew is published in three collections and was awarded with Prime Minister's Prize in 2004, her translations from Russian into Hebrew include works of Alexander Vvedensky, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry A. Prigov and others. In Russian Zinger has published 7 collections of poetry, she has also translated the poems of several contemporary Israeli and American authors into Russian. Since early 1990-ies she co-edited several literary magazines in Russian, together with her husband Nekoda Singer.

Улыбка Вегенера (Wegener's Smile)

Ян Каплинский (Jaan Kaplinski)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Jaan Kaplinski (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-0-4

About the author

Jaan Kaplinski was born in 1941 in Tartu, Estonia. Since 1965 he authored 17 poetry collections, 9 books of prose, 7 volumes of articles, 7 books for children, numerous translations – all of this in Estonian. In 2014 Kaplinski published his first book of poems originally composed in Russian; the book was awarded with the Russian prize. The poet is also decorated with many awards including European Prize for Literature (2016).

Воздушная тревога (Air alert)

Полина Барскова (Polina Barskova)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 64 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Ostap Kin (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-8-4

About the author

Polina Barskova was born in 1976 in Leningrad and lives in the United States of America since 1999, currently residing in Amherst. She authored 9 books of poetry and the collection of short prose awarded with Andrei Bely Prize in 2015; she also translates contemporary poetry from English and Ukrainian. Barskova has won the first and only All-Soviet Young Poets' Competition in 1991 and “Tenyota” competition for Russian literature in the Net in 1998, she was also awarded with Moscow en route (“Moskva–tranzit”) prize in 2005.

Стихи из книги и другие стихи (Poems from the book and other poems)

Станислав Львовский (Stanislav Lvovsky)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 192 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Nadja Sveir (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-7-7

About the author

Stanislav Lvovsky was born in 1972 in Moscow and now lives in Oxford, UK pursuing his PhD in history. He has published 4 poetry collections, 3 books of prose, a novel (in collaboration with L. Goralik), some translations of contemporary poetry (including the poems by Ch. Bukowski and L. Cohen). He was awarded with “Moscow Count” Prize for young poets (2003) and Evgeny Turenko Prize for impact on the younger poetic generation (2016).

Смерть смотреть (Death to deal with)

Игорь Булатовский (Igor Bulatovsky)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 96 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-6-0

About the author

Igor Bulatovsky was born in 1971 in Leningrad, graduated from the history department of local university and now lives there working at Ivan Limbakh Publishers. He has earned significant reputation as a translator of Paul Verlaine's poems and interwar Yiddish authors. His own poetry was remunerated with Hubert Burda Prize for young Eastern European poets (2005). This book is Bulatovsky's 8th collection since 1995.

Всё зависит только от нас (Everything depends only on us)

Сергей Жадан (Serhiy Zhadan)


Translated from Ukrainian by Polina Barskova, Igor Belov, Stanislav Belsky, Mariya Galina, Boris Khersonsky, Dmitry Kuzmin, Andrei Shchetnikov, Igor Sid, Alexei Tsvetkov. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 128 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design and photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-4-6

About the author

Serhiy Zhadan (Сергій Жадан) was born in 1974 in Luhansk Oblast of Ukraine, graduated fron Kharkiv University and got his PhD there with the thesis on the key figure in Ukrainian avantguarde poetry of early XXth century Mykhaylo Semenko. Zhadan has published about 30 books of poetry and prose in Ukrainian, as well as translations from Paul Celan, Czesław Miłosz, Charles Bukowski, contemporary Russian and German authors. He has also issued several albums of his poems performed together with a rock band. Zhadan was awarded with many national and international literary awards including “Angelus” prize for the best book of Central Europe (2015).

Взмах и взмах (Waft and Waft)

Гали-Дана Зингер (Gali-Dana Zinger)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Gali-Dana Zinger (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-5-3

About the author

Gali-Dana Zinger (Singer) is a poet and translator born in 1962 in St. Petersburg and based since 1988 in Israel. Her poetry in Hebrew is published in three collections and was awarded with Prime Minister's Prize in 2004, her translations from Russian into Hebrew include works of Alexander Vvedensky, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry A. Prigov and others. Zinger also has translated the poems of some contemporary Israeli and American authors into Russian. Since early 1990-ies she co-edited several literary magazines in Russian, together with her husband Nekoda Singer. This book is the 7th collection of Zinger's Russian poetry.

Mīļākais tētis pasaulē (The Best Father in the World)

Einārs Pelšs


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Latvian.

Cover: Kristiāns Pelšs.

ISBN 978-9934-8568-2-2

About the author

Einārs Pelšs was born in 1960 in Preili, Latvia. In 1987 he has graduated from the Russian philology department at the Buryatia State Pedagogical Institute, that same year his first poetry collection "Maya" (Maija) has appeared. He has also translated from Russian into Latvian many poems of Igor Severyanin, Nikolai Gumilyov, Igor Pomerantsev, Andrei Sen-Senkov, Linor Goralik and other poets.

Жизнь и мнения диджея Спинозы (The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza)

Евгений Осташевский (Eugene Ostashevsky)


Translated from English into Russian by Alexander Zapol. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 104 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In English and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Eugene & Anna Timerman (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-3-9

About the author

Eugene Ostashevsky was born in 1968 году in Leningrad and lives in the USA since 1979. He has got his PhD from Stanford university with the thesis discussing the idea of zero in Renaissance literature and culture. Now he teaches in New York and Berlin. He has published in English three collections of poems: Iterature (2005), The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza (2008), Enter Morris Imposternak Pursued by Ironies (2010), and also translated from Russian some poems of Alexander Vvedensky, Daniil Kharms, Dmitry Golynko.

Alexander Zapol was born in 1970 and lives in Latvia. He has studied Russian literature in the universities of Tartu and Riga. He has published numerous translations of contemporary Latvian poetry including Kārlis Vērdiņš's collection Credits (Титры, 2003), Marts Pujāts' collection Two-star churches (Двухзвёздочные церкви, 2005), the book of different authors For us (За нас, 2009). Zapol also compiled the anthology «Latvian/Russian poetry» (2011).

Холодно-горячо (Cold/hot)

Григорий Кружков (Grigory Kruzhkov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Grigory Kruzhkov (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-1-5

About the author

Grigory Kruzhkov is a poet and translator born in 1945. He graduated from the physics department of Tomsk University, then switched to literature and got Ph.D. in literature from Columbia University with the thesis on W.B. Yeats. He has published 7 poetry collections, 5 collections of essays about poetry, several books of translations (from John Donne, Shakespeare, Keats, Emily Dickinson, Yeats, Frost, Wallace Stevens etc.). Kruzkov was awarded with The State Prize of Russian Federation (2003) and many other awards, he is conferred with a Doctor in Letters at Trinity College Dublin.

Смерть в лучшем смысле этого слова (Death in the best sense of the word)

Игорь Померанцев (Igor Pomerantsev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 72 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Milena Findeis (picture). Book graphics: Lydia Starodubtseva.

ISBN 978-9934-8568-0-8

About the author

Igor Pomerantsev was born in 1948 in Saratov, Russia and raised in Ukraine. He has emigrated from the USSR in 1978 and lives in London and Prague since that. He serves as a presenter for Radio Liberty since 1987 and works as a wine critic. Pomerantsev authored 15 collections of poems and short prose, he was awarded witn Viazemsky Prize in 1996.

Так это был гудочек (So That Was A Whistle)

Линор Горалик (Linor Goralik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 64 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Dmitry Sumin (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-14-555-1

About the author

Linor Goralik was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk and currently shares her life between Moscow and Tel-Aviv. She has published about 20 books including poems, novels, tales, flash fiction, comic strips, interview collections etc. Goralik was awarded with "Triumph" prize (in a special nomination for young authors), "Portal" and "Fiddler on the Roof" awards.

Лист перед травой (The Leaf in Front of Grass)

Сергiй Муштатов (Serhiy Mushtatov)


Selected poems. 1989–2023. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders; New York : World Poetry Books, 2024. — 180 p. — (Poetry of Ukraine; issue 2).

Cover: Не Два (А + Т ! (painting), Oleg Pashchenko (design).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-6-9

About the author

Serhiy Mushtatov was born in 1969 in Lviv, Ukraine, and lives and works there ever since. He has published his poems, written in Russian heavily influenced with Ukrainian, in the newspapers “Gumanitarny Fond” (Moscow) and “Listok” (Kyiv), magazines “Ї”, “Kontekst”, “Paradigma”, “Vozdukh”, websites “Chitomo”, “Gryoza”, “Artikuliatsiya” and other editions. Since 2014 he is a poetry editor of the Ukrainian online publication Soloneba. As an artist, under the pseudonym Tee Kho!, he authored numerous works of graphics, photography, video art and digital art, partially within the Polish-Ukrainian creative duo _NeDva (A + T! (with Tomasz Pierzchała).

Речь зеркал (Mirrors' Speech)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2023. – 204 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Drawings by Petr Kirusha. Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Evgeny Nikitin & MidJourney (art).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-2-1

In memoriam Oleg Jurjew

About the author

36 Russian poets took part in this collection. Each of them has translated some others' works into his or her own aesthetic language, thereby exploring the possibilities of mutual understanding and dialogue between adherents of different creative strategies. The book was prepared for publication in early 2022.

О тебе сквозь стекло (About you through the glass)

Валерий Леденёв (Valery Ledenev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2021. – 92 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Yanina Boldyreva (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-8-2

About the author

Valery Ledenev was born in 1985 and lives in Moscow. He has previously published two poetry collections in 2008 and 2019 as well as some translations of American poetry and many articles about contemporary art.

Неполное собрание строчек (Incomplete collection of lines)

Артём Верле (Artiom Verle)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2021. – 88 p. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-7-5

About the author

Artiom Verle was born in 1979 and lives in Pskov. He authored two poetry collections in 2015 and 2020, one more book was published in 2019 in Ukrainian translation. His first book was awarded with “Moscow Count” Prize for inaugural collection (2015).

Останься, брат (Stay, Brother)

Андрей Гришаев (Andrey Grishayev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 140 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-6-8

About the author

Andrey Grishayev was born in 1978 in St. Petersburg and now lives in Moscow. He is the author of two poetry collections published in 2006 and 2014, a laureate of the Parabola Prize (2013) and awards of “Novy Mir” and “Znamya” magazines.

Устройство утренних московских улиц (Arrangement of morning Moscow streets)

Владимир Аристов (Vladimir Aristov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 112 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-4-4

About the author

Vladimir Aristov was born in 1950 and lives in Moscow. He is the author of twelve poetry collections, two novels, articles and essays about poetry. Aristov was awarded with Andrey Bely Prize (2008) and “Difference” (Razlichiye) Prize (2016).

Программные радиограммы (Program radiograms)

Александр Беляков (Aleksandr Beliakov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 120 lpp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-3-7

About the author

Aleksandr Beliakov was born in 1962 and lives in Yaroslavl. He has published nine poetry collections and a book of short prose. In 2012 Beliakov was awarded with the Joseph Brodsky Memorial Fellowship.

Лучшие компьютерные игры (Best computer games)

Янина Вишневская (Yanina Vishnevskaya)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 72 lpp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-2-0

About the author

Yanina Vishnevskaya was born in 1970 in Kyiv, now lives in Moscow. She has published two poetry collections, both in 2008, and several short stories.

Стихи, написанные на пляже (Poems Written on the Beach)

Вадим Калинин (Vadim Kalinin)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 48 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Anzhela Sizova (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-1-3

About the author

Vadim Kalinin was born in 1973 in the Moscow region and now lives in Thailand. He was among the co-founders of the Young Writers' Union “Babylon” in 1989. His first poetry collection appeared in 2004, short stories were collected twice in 2002 and 2010.

Чистая речь (Pure Speech)

Владимир Ермолаев (Vladimir Ermolayev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 80 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Aleksandr Ermolaev (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8867-0-6

About the author

Vladimir Ermolaev was born in 1950 in Ivanovo, he Lives in Riga. He has published 4 poetry collections since 2013 and also appeared as a prose writer and poetry translator in the magazines and online editions. Ermolaev's poetry was short-listed for the Andrey Bely Prize (2011).

Экспедиция (Expedition)

Елена Михайлик (Elena Mikhailik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 112 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design and picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-8-0

About the author

Elena Mikhailik was born in 1970 in Odessa, Ukraine and lives now in Sydney, Australia. She was declared laureate at the First Australian Festival of Traditional and Experimental Literature Antipodes (2006). Mikhailik is the author of the poetry collection “Neither by Dream, nor by Cloud” (Ни сном, ни облаком; 2008) and the monograph “Illegal Comet. Varlam Shalamov: the experience of slow reading” (2018).

Всенощная зверь (All-night beast)

Линор Горалик (Linor Goralik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 48 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Linor Goralik (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-8-0

About the author

Linor Goralik was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk and currently shares her life between Moscow and Tel-Aviv. She has published about 20 books including poems, novels, tales, flash fiction, comic strips, interview collections etc. Goralik was awarded with "Triumph" prize (in a special nomination for young authors), "Portal" and "Fiddler on the Roof" awards.

Машенька (Mashenka)

Василий Бородин (Vassily Borodin)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2019. – 52 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Polina Andrukovich (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-7-3

About the author

Vassily Borodin was born in 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow Night Metallurgical Institute, worked as editor, proofreader, illustrator. Borodin's poetry is published since 2005 in magazines like “Vozdukh”, “Novyi Mir”, “Volga”, at the literary websites “Polutona”, “Novaya Kamera Khraneniya”, “TextOnly” etc. He authored 5 poetry collections and was awarded with Andrei Belyi Prize in 2015.

Мне не очень (I'm Not Okay)

Олег Пащенко (Oleg Pashchenko)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8708-6-6

About the author

Oleg Pashchenko was born in 1971 in Moscow and graduated from Moscow State University's faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. He worked as a designer, headed Art. Lebedev Studio as its art-director from 2002 to 2010 and got some professional awards including the Bronze Lion from International Advertising Festival (2001). Now he teaches in HSE Art And Design School in Moscow. Among Pashchenko's works in book design there is “Poetry without borders” book series. His own poetry was previously collected in two books (2002, 2009).

Ветер по частям (Wind by Parts)

Андрей Черкасов (Andrey Cherkasov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 76 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Andrey Cherkasov (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-2-8

About the author

Andrey Cherkasov was born in 1987 in Cheliabinsk and lives in Moscow since 2007, he is graduated from the Literature Institute. He has published two poetry collections (2012, 2014, the latter was shortlisted for Andrei Bely Prize) and two books of conceptual writing (2015, 2018), authored a number of art projects mingling the visual and the verbal. One of these projects, pioneering Russian blackout poetry, resulted with the current book.

Четыре года времени (Four Years of Time)

Мария Галина (Maria Galina)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Maria Galina (photo), Feldman Sisters (street art).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-1-1

About the author

Maria Galina was born in 1958 in Tver (then Kalinin), lived in Kyiv and Odessa and in 1995 settled in Moscow. First published her poems in 1990. She authored 6 books of poetry, 15 volumes of prose, several non-fiction books, many critical articles; she also translates contemporary poetry and sci-fi prose from English and Ukrainian. Galina was awarded with Anthologia and “Moskovsky schet” prizes (both in 2006) for poetry and many awards for sci-fi works.

Улыбка Вегенера (Wegener's Smile)

Ян Каплинский (Jaan Kaplinski)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Jaan Kaplinski (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-0-4

About the author

Jaan Kaplinski was born in 1941 in Tartu, Estonia. Since 1965 he authored 17 poetry collections, 9 books of prose, 7 volumes of articles, 7 books for children, numerous translations – all of this in Estonian. In 2014 Kaplinski published his first book of poems originally composed in Russian; the book was awarded with the Russian prize. The poet is also decorated with many awards including European Prize for Literature (2016).

Воздушная тревога (Air alert)

Полина Барскова (Polina Barskova)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 64 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Ostap Kin (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-8-4

About the author

Polina Barskova was born in 1976 in Leningrad and lives in the United States of America since 1999, currently residing in Amherst. She authored 9 books of poetry and the collection of short prose awarded with Andrei Bely Prize in 2015; she also translates contemporary poetry from English and Ukrainian. Barskova has won the first and only All-Soviet Young Poets' Competition in 1991 and “Tenyota” competition for Russian literature in the Net in 1998, she was also awarded with Moscow en route (“Moskva–tranzit”) prize in 2005.

Стихи из книги и другие стихи (Poems from the book and other poems)

Станислав Львовский (Stanislav Lvovsky)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 192 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Nadja Sveir (photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-7-7

About the author

Stanislav Lvovsky was born in 1972 in Moscow and now lives in Oxford, UK pursuing his PhD in history. He has published 4 poetry collections, 3 books of prose, a novel (in collaboration with L. Goralik), some translations of contemporary poetry (including the poems by Ch. Bukowski and L. Cohen). He was awarded with “Moscow Count” Prize for young poets (2003) and Evgeny Turenko Prize for impact on the younger poetic generation (2016).

Смерть смотреть (Death to deal with)

Игорь Булатовский (Igor Bulatovsky)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 96 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-6-0

About the author

Igor Bulatovsky was born in 1971 in Leningrad, graduated from the history department of local university and now lives there working at Ivan Limbakh Publishers. He has earned significant reputation as a translator of Paul Verlaine's poems and interwar Yiddish authors. His own poetry was remunerated with Hubert Burda Prize for young Eastern European poets (2005). This book is Bulatovsky's 8th collection since 1995.

Взмах и взмах (Waft and Waft)

Гали-Дана Зингер (Gali-Dana Zinger)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 56 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Gali-Dana Zinger (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-5-3

About the author

Gali-Dana Zinger (Singer) is a poet and translator born in 1962 in St. Petersburg and based since 1988 in Israel. Her poetry in Hebrew is published in three collections and was awarded with Prime Minister's Prize in 2004, her translations from Russian into Hebrew include works of Alexander Vvedensky, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry A. Prigov and others. Zinger also has translated the poems of some contemporary Israeli and American authors into Russian. Since early 1990-ies she co-edited several literary magazines in Russian, together with her husband Nekoda Singer. This book is the 7th collection of Zinger's Russian poetry.

Холодно-горячо (Cold/hot)

Григорий Кружков (Grigory Kruzhkov)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Grigory Kruzhkov (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-1-5

About the author

Grigory Kruzhkov is a poet and translator born in 1945. He graduated from the physics department of Tomsk University, then switched to literature and got Ph.D. in literature from Columbia University with the thesis on W.B. Yeats. He has published 7 poetry collections, 5 collections of essays about poetry, several books of translations (from John Donne, Shakespeare, Keats, Emily Dickinson, Yeats, Frost, Wallace Stevens etc.). Kruzkov was awarded with The State Prize of Russian Federation (2003) and many other awards, he is conferred with a Doctor in Letters at Trinity College Dublin.

Смерть в лучшем смысле этого слова (Death in the best sense of the word)

Игорь Померанцев (Igor Pomerantsev)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 72 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Milena Findeis (picture). Book graphics: Lydia Starodubtseva.

ISBN 978-9934-8568-0-8

About the author

Igor Pomerantsev was born in 1948 in Saratov, Russia and raised in Ukraine. He has emigrated from the USSR in 1978 and lives in London and Prague since that. He serves as a presenter for Radio Liberty since 1987 and works as a wine critic. Pomerantsev authored 15 collections of poems and short prose, he was awarded witn Viazemsky Prize in 1996.

Так это был гудочек (So That Was A Whistle)

Линор Горалик (Linor Goralik)


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2015. – 64 pp. – (Poetry Without Borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Dmitry Sumin (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-14-555-1

About the author

Linor Goralik was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk and currently shares her life between Moscow and Tel-Aviv. She has published about 20 books including poems, novels, tales, flash fiction, comic strips, interview collections etc. Goralik was awarded with "Triumph" prize (in a special nomination for young authors), "Portal" and "Fiddler on the Roof" awards.

У раны есть имя (The Wound Has a Name)

Юрий Тарнавский (Yuriy Tarnawsky)


Selected poems. 1955–2022 / Translated from Ukrainian into Russian by Dmitry Kuzmin. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders; New York : World Poetry Books, 2024. — 328 p. — (Poetry of Ukraine; issue 1).

Cover: Ilja Jakovlev (painting), Oleg Pashchenko (design), Yury Gordon (font).

ISBN 978-9934-9177-4-5

About the author

Yuriy Tarnawsky was born in 1934 in the city of Turka in what was then Poland (now Lviv Oblast of Ukraine). Since 1944 he lived in Germany where graduated as an external student from the Ukrainian gymnasium in Munich. In 1952 Tarnawsky moved to the USA. He graduated from the Newark College of Engineering (now the New Jersey Institute of Technology, in 2019 Tarnawsky was inducted into its Hall of Fame). He got his PhD in theoretical linguistics and in 1956–1992 worked for IBM Corporation, for a certain time as a head of the department of applied linguistics. In 1992–1996 taught Ukrainian Literature at Columbia University. In 1958 Tarnawsky founded the New York Group of Ukrainian poets, in 1959–1971 co-edited “Novi Poezii”, the poetry magazine of Ukrainian emigration. He has published 10 books of poetry and 10 books of prose in Ukrainian and English, and also some plays and articles, translated both into Ukrainian (Samuel Beckett, Federico Garcia Lorca) and into English. The current edition is celebrating the author's ninetieth anniversary. It includes poetry and prose poems from 1955–2022, as well as the long poem “The Feathered Heart.”

Избавительница от смерти и изготовители сэндвичей / No nāves glābējiņa un sendviču meistari

Efrat Mishori (‏אפרת מישורי‏‎)


Translated into Latvian by Einārs Pelšs; translated into Russian by Gali-Dana Zinger. — Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2022. — 80 с. — (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-9-9

About the author

Efrat Mishori was born in 1964 in Israel and completed her PhD in literature at Tel Aviv University in 2006. Mishori's first published work was The Book of Dreams for children (1988). Mishori wrote and illustrated the book. Her first collection of poetry, Poems 1990–1994, was self-published in 1994 and won the Ron Adler Foundation award for first-time authors. Since then, Mishori has published six poetry collections and won several literary prizes including Prime Minister's Award in 2001. Since 1996 she performed in the one-woman show "I Am Poetry's Model", based on her poems. In 2018, together with filmmaker Dana Goldberg, she released the feature film Death of a Poetess. In the same year she won the award of Poetry without borders festival in Riga.

Страна (État)

Анна Мария Альбиак (Anne-Marie Albiach)


Translated from French into Russian by Kirill Korchagin. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2020. – 116 pp. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design). A sheet of draft typewriting by Anne-Marie Albiach with her corrections is used.

ISBN 978-9934-8867-5-1

About the author

Anne-Marie Albiach was born in 1937 in Saint-Nazaire. She has published 12 books, as well as translations from Luis Zukofsky. In the 60-ies she co-edited the literary magazine Siècle à mains. She died in 2012. The book-length poem “État” was published in 1971.

Бледные господа с чашечкой кофе в руках (The Pale Gentlemen with their Espresso Cups)

Герта Мюллер (Herta Müller)


Translated from German into Russian by Boris Schapiro. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 216 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In German and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (serial design), Gleb Simonov (book design), Samuel Kravitt (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-5-9

About the author

Herta Müller was born in 1953 in Romania and graduated from the university in Timișoara. In 1987 she emigrated to Germany, lectured for a while in the universities of Kassel, Tübingen and Berlin. Since 1982 she has published 20 books of prose, 2 essay collections and 6 books of poetry (5 in German and 1 in Romanian). She is awarded with more than 35 prizes and awards including the Nobel prize in literature (2009).

Boris Schapiro was born in 1944, graduated from physics department of Moscow university. In 1975 he emigrated to Germany, worked in scientifical institutions of Regensburg and Reutlingen, since 1995 he lives in Berlin. He has published 5 poetry collections in Russian and two in German as well as translations from Friedrich Hölderlin, Paul Celan e. a.

Как даме жить в пучке волос (A Lady Lives in the Hair Knot)

Герта Мюллер (Herta Müller)


Translated from German into Russian by Aljoscha Prokopjew. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 200 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In German and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (serial design), Gleb Simonov (book design), Richard E. Ahlborn (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-4-2

About the author

Herta Müller was born in 1953 in Romania and graduated from the university in Timișoara. In 1987 she emigrated to Germany, lectured for a while in the universities of Kassel, Tübingen and Berlin. Since 1982 she has published 20 books of prose, 2 essay collections and 6 books of poetry (5 in German and 1 in Romanian). She is awarded with more than 35 prizes and awards including the Nobel prize in literature (2009).

Aljoscha Prokopjew (Алёша Прокопьев) was born in 1957 in Cheboksary on the Volga River and graduated from the art history department of the Moscow University. He worked as a janitor for a long time, then taught poetry translation in the Literature Institute in Moscow. Prokopjew has published 3 collections of poetry and numerous translations including the whole books of R. M. Rilke, Georg Trakl, Andreas Gryphius and Paul Celan. In 2010 he was awarded with Andrei Bely Prize for poetry translation.

Человек без книги (A Man Without a Book)

Дэвид Шапиро (David Shapiro)


Translated from English into Russian by Gali-Dana Zinger. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2017. – 64 pp. – (Poetry without borders).

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Gali-Dana Zinger (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-9-1

About the author

David Shapiro was born in Newark, NJ in 1947 and lives in New York City. He has published 11 poetry collections, the monographs about John Ashbery, Jasper Johns, Piet Mondriaan, and also some translations of poetry from Spanish. Shapiro received a Gotham Book Mart Avant-Garde Poetry Award (1962), Morton Dauwen Zabel Award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters etc.

Gali-Dana Zinger (Singer) is a poet and translator born in 1962 in St. Petersburg and based since 1988 in Israel. Her poetry in Hebrew is published in three collections and was awarded with Prime Minister's Prize in 2004, her translations from Russian into Hebrew include works of Alexander Vvedensky, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry A. Prigov and others. In Russian Zinger has published 7 collections of poetry, she has also translated the poems of several contemporary Israeli and American authors into Russian. Since early 1990-ies she co-edited several literary magazines in Russian, together with her husband Nekoda Singer.

Всё зависит только от нас (Everything depends only on us)

Сергей Жадан (Serhiy Zhadan)


Translated from Ukrainian by Polina Barskova, Igor Belov, Stanislav Belsky, Mariya Galina, Boris Khersonsky, Dmitry Kuzmin, Andrei Shchetnikov, Igor Sid, Alexei Tsvetkov. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 128 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design and photo).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-4-6

About the author

Serhiy Zhadan (Сергій Жадан) was born in 1974 in Luhansk Oblast of Ukraine, graduated fron Kharkiv University and got his PhD there with the thesis on the key figure in Ukrainian avantguarde poetry of early XXth century Mykhaylo Semenko. Zhadan has published about 30 books of poetry and prose in Ukrainian, as well as translations from Paul Celan, Czesław Miłosz, Charles Bukowski, contemporary Russian and German authors. He has also issued several albums of his poems performed together with a rock band. Zhadan was awarded with many national and international literary awards including “Angelus” prize for the best book of Central Europe (2015).

Жизнь и мнения диджея Спинозы (The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza)

Евгений Осташевский (Eugene Ostashevsky)


Translated from English into Russian by Alexander Zapol. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 104 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In English and Russian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Eugene & Anna Timerman (picture).

ISBN 978-9934-8568-3-9

About the author

Eugene Ostashevsky was born in 1968 году in Leningrad and lives in the USA since 1979. He has got his PhD from Stanford university with the thesis discussing the idea of zero in Renaissance literature and culture. Now he teaches in New York and Berlin. He has published in English three collections of poems: Iterature (2005), The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza (2008), Enter Morris Imposternak Pursued by Ironies (2010), and also translated from Russian some poems of Alexander Vvedensky, Daniil Kharms, Dmitry Golynko.

Alexander Zapol was born in 1970 and lives in Latvia. He has studied Russian literature in the universities of Tartu and Riga. He has published numerous translations of contemporary Latvian poetry including Kārlis Vērdiņš's collection Credits (Титры, 2003), Marts Pujāts' collection Two-star churches (Двухзвёздочные церкви, 2005), the book of different authors For us (За нас, 2009). Zapol also compiled the anthology «Latvian/Russian poetry» (2011).

Kosmiskais prospekts (Cosmos Avenue)

Gaļina Rimbu (Galina Rymbu)


Translated from Russian into Latvian by Einārs Pelšs, Arvis Viguls, Dainis Deigelis. – Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2018. – 96 p. – (Poetry without borders). – In Russian and Latvian.

Cover: Oleg Pashchenko (design), Andrei Cherkasov (artwork).

ISBN 978-9934-8708-3-5

About the author

Galina Rymbu was born in 1990 in the city of Omsk (Siberia, Russia), graduated from the Literature Institute in Moscow and currently lives in St. Petersburg. In 2010 she won the main prize of the “Young author” (Молодой литератор) festival in Nizhni Novgorod. Her first collection “Moving Space of the Revolution” (Передвижное пространство переворота) was published in 2014, collected prose poems “Time of earth” (Время земли) appeared in 2018 in Ukraine; also the chapbook “White Bread” is published in New York City in English translation. Rymbu participated in many poetry festivals, curated the Russian Young Poetry Week in 2013 and Arkadii Dragomoshchenko young poets award since 2014. In 2017 international poets participated in the first trilingual festival “Poetry without borders” in Riga voted for her as the festival's laureate.

Mīļākais tētis pasaulē (The Best Father in the World)

Einārs Pelšs


Ozolnieki : Literature Without Borders, 2016. – 72 pp. – (Poetry without borders). – In Latvian.

Cover: Kristiāns Pelšs.

ISBN 978-9934-8568-2-2

About the author

Einārs Pelšs was born in 1960 in Preili, Latvia. In 1987 he has graduated from the Russian philology department at the Buryatia State Pedagogical Institute, that same year his first poetry collection "Maya" (Maija) has appeared. He has also translated from Russian into Latvian many poems of Igor Severyanin, Nikolai Gumilyov, Igor Pomerantsev, Andrei Sen-Senkov, Linor Goralik and other poets.